If your credit score has been damaged due to your financial history, one of our Fort Worth Bankruptcy Attorneys may be able to help you with the service of credit repair.
Credit Repair is a service to repair a client’s credit report and score through legal negotiations. Many people are completely unaware that the way a credit report is phrases is just as important to a credit score as the amount of debt a person owes.
One of our Fort Worth Bankruptcy Attorneys can negotiate with your credit card companies to lower your interest rate, the amount you owe, and how these creditors report your debts.
Credit repair is also an excellent service for anyone that finds false information in a credit report or has been the victim of identity theft.
There are several methods of correcting major credit card debt, and talking with an expert can help you make a more informed decision about what is right for you. An experienced Fort Worth bankruptcy lawyer can review your individual case and help you build a solid plan of action.
Our Fort Worth bankruptcy attorneys have successfully handled all types of bankruptcy and debt relief cases for our clients in Fort Worth and surrounding counties. If you are feeling crushed under the weight of stress and credit card debt, it may seem hopeless, but you have options and we can help. Contact us to schedule a free consultation with a top Fort Worth bankruptcy attorney today.