You spent years of your life building your business up from scratch, but now financial hardships are threatening to undo all of your work. You may be facing daily calls from creditors, along with threats of foreclosure. If your business is in peril, filing for bankruptcy may be a very real option to keep you from losing it all.
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you may have many questions. Will you still be able to work and keep your business open? Will you have to sell your entire stock of products to pay back creditors? In fact, laws regarding bankruptcy vary greatly from business to business, depending on a multitude of factors including how large your business is. For instance, if you are a small business owner or a sole proprietor, you may need to file for personal bankruptcy. The amount of your debts and assets will also determine whether you should file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you have never dealt with bankruptcy before, it can be difficult to know which route to take. In fact, most courts recommend that you don’t take a single step toward filing for bankruptcy without the guidance of an experienced Fort Worth bankruptcy attorney. Your attorney can help you understand the technicalities of bankruptcy and how filing will affect your business, so that you can focus on getting back to your life with as fresh a start as possible.
Our Fort Worth bankruptcy attorneys have years of experience handling all types of bankruptcy and finance-related cases for our clients in Forth Worth and surrounding areas, from personal bankruptcy to business bankruptcy. If your business is struggling, don’t wait until it’s too late to protect what you’ve worked for all these years. Contact us to schedule a free consultation with a top Fort Worth bankruptcy attorney today.